About Vidya Naturals

Vidya Naturals is a holistic health company based in Europe. We’re helping people from all over the world to optimize their health, solve stubborn health symptoms, and live longer in better health.

We achieve it by combining the oldest healing system on Earth - Ayurveda, with nutrition, emotional balance, and energy work. We’ve guided thousands of people through this journey through our two holistic healing clinics and with our guided programs and unique Ayurvedic remedies.

We’re the only health company that goes back to the roots of Ayurveda… Combines it with nutrition… Adapts it to the Western lifestyle… And works on levels of your being to balance it and give you the result you want.

Vidya Naturals is a holistic health company based in Europe.

We’re helping people from all over the world to optimize their health, solve stubborn health symptoms, and live longer in better health.

We achieve it by combining the oldest healing system on Earth - Ayurveda, with nutrition, emotional balance, and energy work.

We’ve guided thousands of people through this journey through our two holistic healing clinics and with our guided programs and unique Ayurvedic remedies.

We’re the only health company that goes back to the roots of Ayurveda… Combines it with nutrition…

Adapts it to the Western lifestyle…

And works on levels of your being to balance it and give you the result you want.

Our Holistic Health Professionals

Jasveer Kaur

Professor Jasveer Kaur

Professor Jasveer Kaur - born in the UK, Professor Jasveer comes from a long lineage of Indian farmers famous for their knowledge of Ayurveda. She studied Ayurveda in the UK and finished her studies with the title of a Professor of Ayurveda. To add to that, she spent 5 years in different monasteries in India and Nepal, learning from and practicing under the most advanced Ayurveda masters alive.

Apart from that, she has a master’s degree in nutrition and is a certified counselor, energy worker, and psychotherapist.

She owns a Holistic Health Clinic in Spain with a branch in an Ayurvedic hospital in Karela, India.

Professor Jasveer Kaur - born in the UK, Professor Jasveer comes from a long lineage of Indian farmers famous for their knowledge of Ayurveda.

She studied Ayurveda in the UK and finished her studies with the title of a Professor of Ayurveda.

To add to that, she spent 5 years in different monasteries in India and Nepal, learning from and practicing under the most advanced Ayurveda masters alive.

Apart from that, she has a master’s degree in nutrition and is a certified counselor, energy worker, and psychotherapist.

She owns a Holistic Health Clinic in Spain with a branch in an Ayurvedic hospital in Karela, India.

Dr Steephen

Dr. Steephan

Dr.Steephan is a qualified Ayurvedic Medical doctor with a  degree in Ayurvedic Medicine and Surgery (BAMS) from the University of Calicut in Kerala. He has also taken diploma in Yoga teaching from Sivananda Yoga Vedanta Ashram. He has been practicing and teaching Ayurveda, Yoga and Meditation since 1996, with extensive experience in India, Seychelles and London

After achieving Bachelor’s degree in Ayurvedic Medicine, he joined Holy Cross Hospital, Nagercoil , South India and worked there for 7 years in the capacity of chief consultant in Ayurvedic medicine.

He was the first and foremost qualified Ayurvedic consultant in Seychelles Islands . During his tenure, he had served as a yoga teacher to the Yoga Club at High Commission of India.

In 2006, he moved to London and delivered his services from Herbal Ayur, Middlesex. He was the runner of popular Herbal Ayur retreats in UK and had run 50 Ayurveda and Yoga Retreats in UK. Currently, he also works as a visiting consultant at Ayuspa Wellbeing Centre, London.

His aim is to help those suffering from ailments that modern medicine struggles to deal with, harnessing the power of Ayurvedic herbs, treatments, yoga therapy and diet.

After having run successful practices in India, Seychelles Islands and London, he now runs his practice from Namaste Ayurvedic Wellness Centre where he offers Ayurvedic consultations, Ayurvedic treatments, Ayurveda training and Yoga workshops.

Dr Steephan is one of the directors and founders of Namaste Ayurvedic Wellness Centre

Dr.Steephan is a qualified Ayurvedic Medical doctor with a  degree in Ayurvedic Medicine and Surgery (BAMS) from the University of Calicut in Kerala.

He has also taken diploma in Yoga teaching from Sivananda Yoga Vedanta Ashram.

He has been practicing and teaching Ayurveda, Yoga and Meditation since 1996, with extensive experience in India, Seychelles and London

After achieving Bachelor’s degree in Ayurvedic Medicine, he joined Holy Cross Hospital, Nagercoil, South India and worked there for 7 years in the capacity of chief consultant in Ayurvedic medicine.

He was the first and foremost qualified Ayurvedic consultant in Seychelles Islands. 

During his tenure, he had served as a yoga teacher to the Yoga Club at High Commission of India.

In 2006, he moved to London and delivered his services from Herbal Ayur, Middlesex.

He was the runner of popular Herbal Ayur retreats in UK and had run 50 Ayurveda and Yoga Retreats in UK.

 Currently, he also works as a visiting consultant at Ayuspa Wellbeing Centre, London.

His aim is to help those suffering from ailments that modern medicine struggles to deal with, harnessing the power of Ayurvedic herbs, treatments, yoga therapy and diet.

After having run successful practices in India, Seychelles Islands and London, he now runs his practice from Namaste Ayurvedic Wellness Centre where he offers Ayurvedic consultations, Ayurvedic treatments, Ayurveda training and Yoga workshops.

Dr Steephan is one of the directors and founders of Namaste Ayurvedic Wellness Centre

Our Story

Vidya Naturals was founded in 2023 as a result of over 27 years of research done by Professor Jasveer. Here’s how she tells it in her own words:

“Being born into a family of poverty and abuse, I wanted a better life. And I constantly felt like my life was so much more than what I was taught in school.

One expression of these thoughts was my passion for computers. I fell in love with them because they gave me a feeling of having access to a different world.

That’s how intuitively I chose my career and later graduated as a software engineer with the highest-ever result in the history of Westminster University. 

I was then hired to work with tech giants like IBM, Oracle, Pfizer, GlaxoSmithKline, and others. And my corporate career took off - with all the stress, pressure, and exhaustion that comes with it.

In my 30s, I developed a series of health issues that wouldn’t go away. Thyroid and circulation issues which were contributing to weight gain and inflammaiton. My energy was down. And I felt mentally drained.

I’ve visited many doctors. I tried natural approaches. And, of course, I took a whole bunch of different vitamins and supplements.

I spent a small fortune on all these solutions. But I still felt stuck. My health didn’t get any better. My symptoms kept coming back. And I was afraid I’d never be able to live my life the way I wanted.

Plus, at the time, I worked for big pharmaceutical giants. I had access to the best experts in the field. But no one was able to do anything for me, apart from giving me fistfuls of pills.

After a few years of living like that, I realized that I should get back to my roots. To my family’s roots. And to the ultimate roots of modern healing approaches.

I realized I should get back to Ayurveda.

So, I went to India to meet Ayurvedic doctors and learn more. Then, I completed ayurvedic studies in the UK. As I learned more and used this knowledge on myself, I started feeling better…

However, I still felt like something was missing. I still struggled with weight gain. I still felt like my health was holding me back. And I still dealt with fatigue, joint pain, and other symptoms like that.

And you know what?

I finally found the ultimate key to improving and optimizing my health. How? 

Well, thanks to my nutrition studies. When I combined my Ayurvedic knowledge and experience with nutrition, my results went through the roof.

By using ayurvedic remedies and fine-tuning my diet, for the first time in about a decade, I returned to my healthy weight. I got my sharp thinking back. I started sleeping like a baby. And I woke up bursting with energy. And I never felt better.

I experienced this massive transformation between 2011 and 2012. Since then, I started using this approach to help others. I started with friends and family, and when I saw the outcomes they got, I knew I had to go deeper into that. 

So, I visited India and Nepal multiple times over the years to learn even more.

In total, I spent over 5 years in different monasteries in the Himalayas, learning from the most experienced Ayurveda teachers alive. There, I witnessed incredible healings that exceeded everything I’ve ever seen in my life.

For example, I’ve seen how a broken bone healed within just 24 hours, after it’s been treated just with Ayurvedic plants. By healed, I mean that the bones grew together again. I know, it’s incredible. And if I hadn’t seen it with my own eyes, I would have never believed it.

After experiencing this, I got the ultimate proof that Ayurveda has the answers to all the modern health problems we deal with. So, in 2018, I opened my first clinic in the UK. Later, I transferred it to Spain because I moved there. 

Around that time, I also opened a branch of my clinic in an Ayurvedic hospital in India, run by one of our experts here at Vidya Naturals, Dr. Steephan. Since that time, I’ve helped thousands of people solve various health problems and live the best possible lives they can - even if nothing worked for them before.

And I co-founded Vidya Naturals to reach people all over the world with this message and give them proven tools, protocols, and remedies that can solve their challenges…

And give them better health and the incredible life they deserve!”

Vidya Naturals was founded in 2023 as a result of over 27 years of research done by Professor Jasveer.

Here’s how she tells it in her own words:

“Being born into a family of poverty and abuse, I wanted a better life.

And I constantly felt like my life was so much more than what I was taught in school.

One expression of these thoughts was my passion for computers.

I fell in love with them because they gave me a feeling of having access to a different world.

That’s how intuitively I chose my career and later graduated as a software engineer with the highest-ever result in the history of Westminster University. 

I was then hired to work with tech giants like IBM, Oracle, Pfizer, GlaxoSmithKline, and others.

And my corporate career took off - with all the stress, pressure, and exhaustion that comes with it.

In my 30s, I developed a series of health issues that wouldn’t go away.

Thyroid and circulation issues which were contributing to weight gain and inflammaiton.

My energy was down. And I felt mentally drained.

I’ve visited many doctors. I tried natural approaches.

And, of course, I took a whole bunch of different vitamins and supplements.

I spent a small fortune on all these solutions. But I still felt stuck. My health didn’t get any better.

My symptoms kept coming back. And I was afraid I’d never be able to live my life the way I wanted.

Plus, at the time, I worked for big pharmaceutical giants. I had access to the best experts in the field.

But no one was able to do anything for me, apart from giving me fistfuls of pills.

After a few years of living like that, I realized that I should get back to my roots. To my family’s roots.

And to the ultimate roots of modern healing approaches.

I realized I should get back to Ayurveda.

So, I went to India to meet Ayurvedic doctors and learn more.

Then, I completed ayurvedic studies in the UK.

As I learned more and used this knowledge on myself, I started feeling better…

However, I still felt like something was missing.

I still struggled with weight gain. I still felt like my health was holding me back.

And I still dealt with fatigue, joint pain, and other symptoms like that.

And you know what?

I finally found the ultimate key to improving and optimizing my health. How? 

Well, thanks to my nutrition studies.

When I combined my Ayurvedic knowledge and experience with nutrition, my results went through the roof.

By using ayurvedic remedies and fine-tuning my diet, for the first time in about a decade, I returned to my healthy weight.

I got my sharp thinking back. I started sleeping like a baby.

And I woke up bursting with energy. And I never felt better.

I experienced this massive transformation between 2011 and 2012.

Since then, I started using this approach to help others. I started with friends and family, and when I saw the outcomes they got, I knew I had to go deeper into that. 

So, I visited India and Nepal multiple times over the years to learn even more.

In total, I spent over 5 years in different monasteries in the Himalayas, learning from the most experienced Ayurveda teachers alive.

There, I witnessed incredible healings that exceeded everything I’ve ever seen in my life.

For example, I’ve seen how a broken bone healed within just 24 hours, after it’s been treated just with Ayurvedic plants.

By healed, I mean that the bones grew together again. I know, it’s incredible.

And if I hadn’t seen it with my own eyes, I would have never believed it.

After experiencing this, I got the ultimate proof that Ayurveda has the answers to all the modern health problems we deal with.

So, in 2018, I opened my first clinic in the UK. Later, I transferred it to Spain because I moved there. 

Around that time, I also opened a branch of my clinic in an Ayurvedic hospital in India, run by one of our experts here at Vidya Naturals, Dr. Steephan.

Since that time, I’ve helped thousands of people solve various health problems and live the best possible lives they can - even if nothing worked for them before.

And I co-founded Vidya Naturals to reach people all over the world with this message and give them proven tools, protocols, and remedies that can solve their challenges…

And give them better health and the incredible life they deserve!”

We Help You Live A Healthier, Happier And Longer Life

With a 5,000-Year-Old Holistic Approach That Balances Your Body, Mind, And Energy

Who We Are

Vidya Naturals is a holistic health company based in Europe. We’re helping people from all over the world to optimize their health, solve stubborn health symptoms, and live longer in better health.

We achieve it by combining the oldest healing system on Earth - Ayurveda, with nutrition, emotional balance, and energy work. We’ve guided thousands of people through this journey through our two holistic healing clinics and with our guided programs and unique Ayurvedic remedies.

So if you’ve tried different things and are still frustrated that your health hasn’t improved, Vidya Naturals may be the answer you’ve been looking for.

Vidya Naturals is a holistic health company based in Europe.

We’re helping people from all over the world to optimize their health, solve stubborn health symptoms, and live longer in better health.

We achieve it by combining the oldest healing system on Earth - Ayurveda, with nutrition, emotional balance, and energy work.

We’ve guided thousands of people through this journey through our two holistic healing clinics and with our guided programs and unique Ayurvedic remedies.

So if you’ve tried different things and are still frustrated that your health hasn’t improved, Vidya Naturals may be the answer you’ve been looking for.

27 Years Of Experience And Thousands Of Happy Clients

Our Co-Founder, Jasveer Kaur, is a professor of Ayurveda. She comes from a long lineage of Indian farmers who used Ayurveda on a daily basis to heal themselves, their families, and other people in their community.

After being failed by conventional treatments, naturopathy, and supplements, Jasveer decided to get back to her roots and discover true, traditional Ayurveda, combined with Western nutrition… And introduce it to the Western countries, so that everyone, no matter where you live, can benefit from it.

Jasveer studied Ayurveda in India and the UK where she became a professor. After that, she spent 5 years in different monasteries in India and Nepal. There, she learned and practiced under the most advanced Ayurvedic masters alive.

She also studied nutrition and has a master's degree from Regent’s University in London.

Today, she carries out this mission through Vidya Naturals… With thousands of happy patients living the best version of their lives thanks to this unique approach.

Today, she carries out this mission through Vidya Naturals…

With thousands of happy patients living the best version of their lives thanks to this unique approach.

What Our Clients Experience When Working With Us

How Our Complete Healing Approach Works

Imagine you have a car, and all you do is fill it with fuel when your tank is empty.

You’re not changing the tires… you’re not changing filters… you’re not changing the oil in your engine. After a while, your car would break down - because you’re not looking at it as a whole.

Same applies to us. We’re pretty complex beings. We have our physical bodies. We have our minds, emotions, and feelings. And we have our energy that flows throughout our bodies.

All these systems are connected to each other. And if one of them malfunctions, it will impact the other ones and cause different problems. This means that you can’t fully solve your health problems by only addressing one aspect of your being. 

In Vidya Naturals, we’re bridging all these gaps and giving you complete support on all layers of your being. By working on all these layers all at once, we’re able to help you solve chronic health challenges - even if nothing worked before. We also help you live a better, happier, and longer life.

Imagine you have a car, and all you do is fill it with fuel when your tank is empty.

You’re not changing the tires… you’re not changing filters… you’re not changing the oil in your engine.

After a while, your car would break down - because you’re not looking at it as a whole.

Same applies to us. We’re pretty complex beings. We have our physical bodies.

We have our minds, emotions, and feelings. And we have our energy that flows throughout our bodies.

All these systems are connected to each other.

And if one of them malfunctions, it will impact the other ones and cause different problems.

This means that you can’t fully solve your health problems by only addressing one aspect of your being. 

In Vidya Naturals, we’re bridging all these gaps and giving you complete support on all layers of your being.

By working on all these layers all at once, we’re able to help you solve chronic health challenges - even if nothing worked before.

We also help you live a better, happier, and longer life.

How to Completely Reset Your Body And Get Your Health, Mood, And Vitality Back

Our Co-Founder, Professor Jasveer Kaur recorded a comprehensive Masterclass for everyone who wants to finally transform their health.

In that masterclass, she gives you a complete blueprint on how to discover what is REALLY causing your problems… how to solve them so they don’t come back… And how to discover what foods, habits, and lifestyle choices are best for your specific body type.

You can watch this masterclass for free and discover the complete blueprint for solving your issues… And living the best version of your life.

Our Co-Founder, Professor Jasveer Kaur recorded a comprehensive Masterclass for everyone who wants to finally transform their health.

In that masterclass, she gives you a complete blueprint on how to discover what is REALLY causing your problems… how to solve them so they don’t come back…

And how to discover what foods, habits, and lifestyle choices are best for your specific body type.

You can watch this masterclass for free and discover the complete blueprint for solving your issues… And living the best version of your life.

Simply type in your name and email address below to grab your free spot:

Your Unique Lifestyle Blueprint

in Ayurveda, we believe that everyone has a unique blueprint they’ve been born with.

This blueprint is made of a combination of three forces of nature that describe your preferences, behaviours, and needs.

The first force is called Vata, and it represents space and air. 

The second one is called Pitta, and it represents fire and water. 

And the third one is called Kapha, and it represents water and earth.

Each person can have a different dominant force. 

One person can be more Vata. 

One person can be more Pitta. 

Or, for example, one person can have more Vata and Pitta, and a little bit less Kapha.

That’s how these 3 forces create your unique blueprint.

The number of combinations is endless, but the key here is to recognize your blueprint - and adjust your healing protocol, your nutrition, and your entire lifestyle accordingly.

This is critical because recognizing your blueprint is like reading an “owner’s manual” for your being.

It tells you everything you need to know on how to live, think, and be so that you maintain great health into old age…

And are sharp, strong and independent - with little to no effort…

Because you’re living in alignment with your unique blueprint - and your whole being is in perfect balance that results in creativity, happiness, health, and success.